June 13, 2024 Updates: Tell Dr. Schak and Others to Stop the Shock

June 13, 2024 Updates
Tell Dr. Schak and Others to Stop the Shock
Noon Central Time. Another volunteer has identified the following Mayo Trustees’ e-mail addresses.

Dr. Katherine Baicker kbaicker@uchicago.edu
Dr. Matthew R. Callstrom callstrom.matthew@mayo.edu
Dr. Rafael Fonseca fonseca.rafael@mayo.edu
Dr. Charanjit S. Rihal rihal@mayo.edu
Jim Gottstein’s e-mail to Michael Powell, the chair of the Mayo Clinic’s Board of Trustees, might be useful in drafting e-mails to these trustees. It might also be useful to keep in mind these are all MDs.

10:40 AM Central Time. Jim Gottstein talked to David and he was electroshocked. He said it took him 30 minutes to remember where he was, has a splitting headache and other typical electroshock negative effects.

10:20 AM Central Time. It appears Dr. Schak changed her e-mail address and it is now Schak.Kathryn@mayo.edu.

10:00 AM Central Time. One of our volunteers tells us the phone number of the Medical Secretary to Dr. Schak is 507-255-2326. Calls could be made to Dr. Schak there.

3:00 AM Central Time. David Russell is scheduled to be electroshocked against his will in a few hours, presumably on the order of the psychiatrist assigned to him, Kate Schak. It is believed Schak testified in court to obtain the court order and then in the face of our efforts to stop it told David she had decided against it. On May 8th, Jim Gottstein wrote to Schak asking her to get the court order revoked (vacated) because David was concerned Dr. Schak or someone else might change their mind. That certainly proved prescient.

Jim Gottstein just wrote Dr. Schak again, demanding that she stop the shock. She can almost certainly still stop the shock as of the time this is posted. Please e-mail or call Dr. Schak to stop the shock. Her e-mail address is schak.kate@mayo.org. [Note: This is a bad address. Use Schak.Kathryn@mayo.edu instead] You can also try calling her at (507) 255-5555. This is where the Mayo Clinic has locked David up. If you can’t get through to her, please leave a message for her to stop the electroshocking of David Russell.

Please leave a comment below with a copy of your e-mail and/or a description of your phone call or whatever else you might have done on David’s behalf. Our system requires approval of comments so it will take a bit for it to show up.

Thank you for your support of David.

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