Earnbetter.com did a great job of cleaning up my resume
I found this https://zenn.dev/shinya7y/articles/threestudio-prolificdreamer from the discord chat for threestudio sudo apt-key del 7fa2af80 Install Cuda-11-8. At the last step it should be apt-get install cuda-11-8, not cuda: https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-11-8-0-download-archive?target_os=Linux&target_arch=x86_64&Distribution=WSL-Ubuntu&target_version=2.0&target_type=deb_local From…
https://github.com/threestudio-project/threestudio I found this link for installing Cuda 11.3: Step by step instruction how to install CUDA 11 Ubuntu 20.04: https://gist.github.com/ksopyla/bf74e8ce2683460d8de6e0dc389fc7f5 From the threestudio page: pip install torch==1.12.1+cu113 torchvision==0.13.1+cu113 --extra-index-url…
I was having some problems with my design leaking, but a new update fixed that. Now I would like to make it easier for the net pots to grt water…
Follow these instructions to install windows subsystem for linux to get an ubuntu command line in Windows: Install Stable Dreamfusion on Windows – Matt's Homepage (mattfife.com) I couldn't get stable-dreamfusion…
I had bought a CyberPowerPC on Ebay with similar specs but the order was cancelled. This one has an Intel processor instead of AMD which is better. I can't wait…
I've been blogging a lot with wordpress. I have over 30 sites. I'm working on showing the most recent post of each blog on one page as a wordpress plugin.…
https://www.startupschool.org/cofounder-matching I signed up for this today