2 External Displays on My Macbook Pro.
I am lucky enough to have 2 external displays so I bought an adapter for my Macbook Pro so I can connect both at the same time. I bought it…
I am lucky enough to have 2 external displays so I bought an adapter for my Macbook Pro so I can connect both at the same time. I bought it…
I am waiting on some ultrasonic module sensors for my robot. I bought them on eBay: https://www.ebay.com/itm/5X-Ultrasonic-Module-HC-SR04-Distance-Transducer-Sensor-For-Arduino-Robot/232126163617?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649 The estimated delivery is Wed, Jan 02. Hope you have a good new year.
I have a problem with the octosonarx2 circuit board. https://www.tindie.com/products/arielnh56/octosonarx2-connect-16-x-hc-sr04-to-arduino/ I may have messed it up because I think the ultrasound sensors are working ok. I got a pretty cool…
Here's a video of my Arduino robot with some nextrox motors attached to Di servo servos. This is so it can turn and also move forward or backward. https://youtu.be/4bpG65nveMk …
Here are some pics of my project so far. I got some servo mounts from ServoCity and they are mounted in order to turn the other motors. They turn on…
In my previous post https://blog.andytriboletti.com/which-servo-motor-im-using-for-my-arduino-project/ I mentioned I had a problem with the servo controller board I was using. I followed the instructions here: http://wiki.sunfounder.cc/index.php?title=PCA9685_16_Channel_12_Bit_PWM_Servo_Driver It says to use a…
Amazon recommended me "Keiki Power Pro Orchid Plant Cloning Paste" today. I like orchids. I ran the site through fakespot.com and it got an A. https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00948K1J4 I bought it directly…
"...though it has a bit less memory than it used to, since some corrupted sectors had to be quarantined." https://techcrunch.com/2018/10/04/mars-rover-curiosity-is-switching-brains-so-it-can-fix-itself/ What does that mean?