Charity COVID-19 Emergency Shopping list app made for UPS, Fedex, and anyone else who delivers during this pandemic

Update: app is now released. I couldn’t find a group who was interested in it, so I changed the name and it got approved: I created a shopping list…

Continue ReadingCharity COVID-19 Emergency Shopping list app made for UPS, Fedex, and anyone else who delivers during this pandemic

Code cleaning recommendations For Swift, Python3, PHP, Shell, and Android/Kotlin

Code cleaning recommendations For Swift, Python3, PHP, Shell, and Android/Kotlin: Software developers, I use and recommend:-SwiftLint ("swiftlint" from cmd line including "swiftlint autocorrect" and in Xcode)-Pylint ("pylint3" from cmd line)-PHP…

Continue ReadingCode cleaning recommendations For Swift, Python3, PHP, Shell, and Android/Kotlin