Joshua Schulte cruel and unusual punishment in solitary. Let him go!
I drove 1 hr to get a massage and they had changed it to Chad from Leslie without telling me, so I left and went home. I am bummed. I'm…
Ability to make money with Amazon FBA
What's a secret skill or ability you have or wish you had? I tried shipping something from webstaurantstore to Amazon to sell on Amazon, but Amazon never found my package…
How long have you been on (dating app) mostly from catfishers. 🐯 🐟
What is one question you hate to be asked? Explain.
Raspberry Pi lets you have your own global shutter camera for $50 I want to build an open source parrot using this to recognize people.
Favorite shoes
Tell us about your favorite pair of shoes, and where they’ve taken you. Favorite shoes I don't remember where I got them online, but I wear them all the time.
How am I doing?
Not too bad.... I worked on a cover letter to work for Google, sent it around to get some feedback, then my phone started acting weird for the first time…