Stop the shock
June 20, 2024 UpdateDavid Russell has been electroshocked against his will four times now: Thursday, June 13th, the very next day on Friday, June 14th, Monday June 17th, and Wednesday,…
June 20, 2024 UpdateDavid Russell has been electroshocked against his will four times now: Thursday, June 13th, the very next day on Friday, June 14th, Monday June 17th, and Wednesday,… June 16, 2024, Update:David Is Getting Electroshocked RepeatedlyJim Gottstein has been speaking with David most days since April 29th . Before he was electroshocked on Thursday, June 13th, David…
June 13, 2024 UpdatesTell Dr. Schak and Others to Stop the ShockNoon Central Time. Another volunteer has identified the following Mayo Trustees’ e-mail addresses. Dr. Katherine Baicker kbaicker@uchicago.eduDr. Matthew R.…
Betrayal: David Russell to be Electroshocked Tomorrow Today, June 12th, around 2:00 PM, David was informed they are going to start electroshocking him against his will tomorrow. They wouldn't answer…
Could i go to jail if i send the irs this statement and refuse to pay them what I owe from my audit until I get paid for the suffering…
How do you know when it’s time to unplug? What do you do to make it happen? When my Seroquel kicks in and I feel sleepy, and if I'm sitting…
What jobs have you had? What I have done for other companies: Vampires vs Werewolves at Chipin: I created a top 10 game Vampires vs Werewolves Facebook app using PHP…
Making Money with AdSense on WordPress Blogging: A Step-by-Step Guide As a WordPress blogger, you're likely eager to monetize your online presence and earn some passive income. Google AdSense is…